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Solution Notes


July 23, 2024

Ramen NaaS: Revolutionizing Enterprise Reporting with AI

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, staying ahead means not just participating in the race but leading it. That's where Ramen NaaS steps in. Our comprehensive NaaS report offers a deep dive into the operational performance and metrics of your enterprise’s entire network infrastructure—both wired and wireless.

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Solution Notes

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July 16, 2024

Indoor Uncarpeted Enterprise – Ramen Differentiation

Providing reliable and secure wireless coverage indoors in an uncarpeted enterprise (warehouse, distribution center, and manufacturing) is very challenging. Our customers have built a future-proof wireless environment for their uncarpeted enterprise using Ramen Uncarpeted NaaS (Private 5G + Wi-Fi on one platform).

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Solution Notes

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July 18, 2024

Monetary Value of Spectrum

Can giving something away for free prove more valuable than selling it? Consider the interesting case of spectrum management.

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Solution Notes

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July 16, 2024

Live Test of Ramen NaaS at a Convention Center!

Watch this first hand account of Ramen-in-a-box!

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July 17, 2024

Ramen NaaS For Warehouse, Distribution Center And Fulfillment Centers

Providing reliable wireless coverage in warehouses and large fulfillment centers is very challenging. Ramen has SOLVED this problem!

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Solution Notes

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July 17, 2024

Ramen NaaS solution for Community Colleges & Universities

Ramen offers the most secure and reliable Network as a Service (NaaS) through innovative cloud/edge-based software. Ramen integrates hardware, software, and operations, enabling your institution to run all your existing enterprise services on a highly reliable secure wireless network (private 5G and Wi-Fi), deployed and managed by Ramen. 

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Solution Notes

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July 18, 2024

Connecting cameras with wireless

Universities, K-12 schools, warehouses, factories, airports and other enterprises are installing video surveillance cameras for improving safety and security. These cameras often need to be installed in locations where Ethernet drops are not available. There are several wireless connectivity options for connecting cameras in these locations back to the enterprise network.

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Solution Notes

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July 16, 2024

Why Uncarpeted Enterprises should move to NaaS

Mike Courtney, Lead Senior System Engineer at Ramen, discusses why Uncarpeted Enterprises should move to NaaS.

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July 16, 2024

5 reasons for IT to move to NaaS

The enterprise needs its Network at its service. In this line of evolution, the time for Network-as-a-service (NaaS) has clearly arrived.

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Solution Notes

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July 16, 2024

Why Wireless Networking in an Uncarpeted Enterprise is Hard and how Ramen NaaS is making it Simple

Networking presents numerous challenges due to the need to establish communication between diverse devices and entities from different vendors. In this multivendor environment, the fundamental expectation is that messages are transmitted with high accuracy and minimal delay.

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Solution Notes

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July 18, 2024

NaaS vs OT

John McConn, Director of Controls Engineering at Wonderful Citrus, talks about his experience working with the Ramen solution and the Ramen team. He also sheds light on the role of NaaS for Operations Technology (OT) teams.

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July 16, 2024

What it’s like working with Ramen

John McConn, Director of Controls Engineering at Wonderful Citrus, talks about his experience working with the Ramen solution and the Ramen team. He also sheds light on the role of NaaS for Operations Technology (OT) teams.

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July 16, 2024

Was Ramen able to help solve your problem?

John McConn, Director of Controls Engineering at Wonderful Citrus, talks about his experience working with the Ramen solution and the Ramen team. He also sheds light on the role of NaaS for Operations Technology (OT) teams.

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July 16, 2024

Security in the NaaS world!

There are an ever increasing number of security breaches resulting in serious business implications despite the proliferation and sophistication of security solutions in place. Enterprises are struggling to protect their assets – be it wired and wireless networks, intellectual property or customers’ data.

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Solution Notes

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July 16, 2024

Future-proofing Enterprise wireless selection

Historically, only one wireless technology really made sense for corporate environments: WiFi. However, wireless technologies continue to evolve, sometimes blurring the distinctions and use cases. 

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Solution Notes

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July 16, 2024

Ramen Brings Reliable Wireless for Enterprise AI operating in “Uncarpeted” areas

Ramen is changing the AI landscape by bringing a wireless network for generative AI based computers operating in ruggedized, physical environments.

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July 16, 2024

Ramen Unveils Its Secure Wireless Network-As-a-Service for the Uncarpeted Enterprise

Ramen uses a full stack approach, combining hardware, software, orchestration and monitoring to enable any company to leverage the benefits of a secure, highly reliable wireless network for their internal operations.

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July 16, 2024

Enabling AI for Uncarpeted Enterprise

This video focuses on the challenges that uncarpeted enterprises like factories, mines, and shipyards face in adopting cloud-based AI technologies.

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July 16, 2024

5 Clicks to Find Out How Many Users are Online

This video highlights the ease in which an operator can determine the number of currently connected users. Within 3 clicks, the operator will have a high-level view of the current usage and connectivity at each deployed location.

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July 16, 2024

NaaS CBRS and Wi-Fi on One Platform

As companies upgrade their supply chains with connected devices and equipment, reliable wireless connectivity is becoming a critical requirement.

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Solution Notes

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July 16, 2024

Ramen for Warehouses

As companies upgrade their supply chains with connected devices and equipment, reliable wireless connectivity is becoming a critical requirement. Network outages can directly harm the bottom-line, making it imperative to invest in the most secure and reliable enterprise wireless connectivity available.

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Solution Notes

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July 17, 2024

We are Ramen

From warehouses to factories; farms to shipyards and refineries - Ramen will guarantee you an industry-leading service-level-assurance for network availability.

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